♥ Friday, August 25, 2006
hahaha. yeah! todae went out wif justin, ain and geok. saw 01 ppl at orchard too. lols. is the rumour couple catherine and shawn?? hmmm. LOLS. i tink we quite lame la. hahaha. ain late. so we walk walk ard wait fer her. after dat we went to coffeebean in taka. sat there fer dunno how long. hahahah. keep takin fotos. damn farnie. justin ah. aiyo. i tink his dream job is photographer. LOLS. den we went to find toilet. WAD DER HELL. i saw 'oh my tian' at zara sia. den i faster pull geok run. LOLS! damn scary la. orchard so big i can meet him there. wad der hell. hahaha. den ain went off to meet her sis. justin mi and geok went to food republic. justin ate his fried carrot cake. so happie ah. lols. den we went home!

hmm. wad r we lookin at???

wad is geok doin????? sudddenly move awy frm the camera. LOLS

finally a successful foto taken. LOLS.

justin's specs. '13 yrs old'

17 yrs old

30 yrs old. hahahaa
lame mi. hehehe. waitin fer justin to finish his food.

the girl. Blogged @
8:34 PM