finally blogging~
but is for my GEMS ASSIGNMENT 2.
Subject in different lightings.
Theme - Team
This picture was taken at Kpool with the help of a friend by holding his handphone touchlight at an angle. I went around the pool table to capture the poolballs so that the light seems to shine at the ball at different angle. As you can see from this picture, the light is shining from the left thus creating the shadow of the poolballs on the right. I named my theme TEAM because when playing pool, the poolballs and the Q stick worked together as a team to win a match. Not any of them could stand alone.
I went to the opposite side of my friend to take this picture thus the light is shining towards me.

One look at the theme for assigment 2 - Black and white Decisive Moments, the first thought that came to my mind was to snap my cute little yorkie-EYO! As you know, puppies were hard to tackle with especially with mine. This picture was successfully taken when my boyfriend was holding the so-called "tidbits" for dogs which made Eyo so obedient. I tried to fill the frame with Eyo yearning for food and a little of the negative background created by the floor. I took it from the top to create a perspective view of Eyo. This was actually shot jus the seconds before she jumped up and got the tidbit from my boyfriend's hand.

I took a picture of my boyfriend when he's playing pool. I used the rule of thirds with the ball as the foreground, my boyfriend as the mid group and the random people behind as background. I put the camera on the pool table and tilted it a little bit up to create the perspective view. The lighting came from the lamp on top of the pool table.

As I was walking, I saw this backview of a handicapped uncle and had the thought of capturing it down. I captured this with a silhouette setting with the help of the bright sun. The formation of a heart on the floor by the uncle's legs kind of sent a message to the audience to kindly open up your heart to the handicapped. By using the photoediting software, I increased the contrast of the photo a little to give the white negative background.
The last photo was my boyfriend and I. I asked a friend to take a photo of us from a low angle when we were walking. This photo actually represents my feelings for him. I wish that we can last from the day our hairs is all black until the day they turn grey. I applied the rule of thirds with the bush at the side being the foreground, my boyfriend and I being the midground and the building at the back being the background.
Patricia Lau
DBS 3B/21/01
Monday class
The Revealing Eye of Digital Photography
Last but not least