yeah! some random photos...

ben's bro bought this adidas jersey for me and ben. =]
right after dardar cut his hair. we took this foto.. btw.. its quite sometime ago oso. lol

this was taken when we went to Pular Ubin with his parents..
I HAVE NEW LOVE! to be exact.. is LOVESSSSSS!

This is dardar's tank!
this is dardar's love!

this is MY TANK!

THESE ARE MY LOVES!! my 6 cutey hamsters! HEHEHEHE!
yayaya.. dardar asked me to mention that he got these hamsters at $9 each. initially was $12 each. hehehee.

of cos. this is my greatest love of all! MUACKS!
btw, i forgot to blog abt the tuition.
yeah. it wasnt that bad. i noe how to do those maths qn. jus that i nid abit of tym to refresh my memory
afterall, it has been 7 yrs ago de work.
yeah. im teaching a p6 gal for tuition.
and! i was late for the first session!
cos i din noe where to walk and stuff....
after tuition, i walked a damn long way to mrt station man! DAMN!
and i was wearing high heels la! wrong choice!
but it was quite alrite.. not as hard as i thought it was. make me so scared. =.=