here to blog about my sec sch clique - 323456.
we formed the clique using this name because of our register number.
jus nice all our register numbers are in sequence. LOL.

Number 3 - Yuzhen
I recalled during the end of secondary 2, I had some conflicts with my clique then. Initially I was with karen, min-er, guoping, etc etc etc. could not really remember. Anyway, some things happened and i left my clique. I was alone until i approached yuzhen. She had some problem wif her clique too~ so naturally we got together and went to recess together, went home together, went out together, just hanged out together. I din really like her at first cos i thought she had alwas followed what i did and could not decide things by herself [HAHAHA. yuzhen, dunno if u noe this not]. Anyway, after hanging out for quite sometime, she became my best friend. We went into the same class again in sec 3 after streaming in sec 2. Of cos, this meant that we would be hanging out together for 2 more years. Until now, even after we graduated from secondary school and went to different schools, we still kept in contact and asked each other out often.
Yuzhen has alwas been such a good and obedient girl in her family. Remember last time when we went out, she alwas needed to be home by dinner time. However, i dun c all these things in her anymore. All thanks to her ex bf. Ever since what has happened a few mths ago, her life is ruined. What changes most is none other than her innocence. Seeing her becomes what she is now, i feel so heartpain. But, i cant do anything. I jus hope she's happy now with her new boyfriend and that her new boyfriend will not hurt her again. If not, i guess, her life will be TOTALLY ruined.
Yuzhen ah, please love urself and ur body. Nothing worth more than loving urself.

Number 4 - Theresa
I knew theresa through red cross. ermm, actually i forgot how we got so close. but, with her, we went through a lot. A lot in red cross. A lot of tears shed together in red cross. DAMN RED CROSS. lol. Seriously, nw come to think of it, the most enjoyable part was when im still a cadet. When we took over, it was HELL for all of us including yuzhen, liyue, theresa and reinaldo. Yup, all of us were from red cross. Because of red cross, we had tons and tons and tons of argument among ourselves, with the seniors, with the fucking attitute problem juniors. I dun care if any of my juniors are reading my blog nw, anyway its over. HAHAAH. Theresa has been a very straight forward person, frankly speaking, she's even more straight forward than me. hahaha. so sometimes, we may be hurt by some of her words and be angry and stuff like that. We also had conflict with each other more than often. Especially she thought I was bossy in the clique. LOL. theresa, i know~ hahaha. During SYF footdrill training, liyue and theresa got to know a group of friends from Fairfield Methodist and i felt left out. Everytime i knew they gonna meet them, i would be very unhappy. Once, they went out and din dare to tell me about it, i found out and i was damn damn damn angry. LOL. We had a little argument then. Another argument we had was about VS. Yuzhen's ex was from VS and theresa's too, so naturally they got very close and kept hanging out wif those VS ppl. Both liyue and I felt left out, so whenever we saw VS friends coming to our school, we din even say a Hi to them and we walked off. Yes, thats how childish we were last time. Nevertheless, we still love each other. =]
Theresa, jiayou for ur As. Hope u will pass with flying colours and get into a good University. I'll c u in Uni ! =]

Number 6 - Liyue
Liyue is my bestest of the best friend. In fact, we had been best friends since pri school. 10 yrs of friendship alr. COOL~ Together with her twin sister, 3 of us went through ups and downs during pri school. hahaha. Childishness made us quarrel for N times. After PSLE, liwen [ liyue's sis] chose to go to Chung Cheng High Main and liyue went to Tanjong Katong sec. I was given a choice to go to CCHMS to take 2nd language, but i din. So i ended in TKSS with liyue. wha. i dunno hows life will be like if i chose to go CCHMS back then. lol. Anyway, though liyue and I went into the same school, we were in different class. Therefore, she made her own clique and i made mine. Gradually, from evryday we had our recess together and home together to a few days in a week to seldom to never. We became sort of strangers in secondary 2. I also dunno y. We passed by each other w/o saying hi. She was with her own friends and i would be with my own friends. Until i left my clique, i started to talk to yue. True friendship will never end jus like that. We got back to our days where we chatted on our way back home, recess together. By then, there were already 4 ppl in my clique. Liyue, yuzhen, theresa and myself.
Although liyue is my best friend, after graduation, we seldom meet up and talk online, at least not as often as i meet yuzhen. But, she's still my forever bestest friend in my heart. I felt very sad when i got to know her family conditions recently.
Liyue, hope ur family will get better and better, settle the thing so that u will not be so tired and working so hard to help. Hope u can cope with ur studies. Last long with guohao.

Number 32 - Reinaldo
Hmmm. this guy ah.. i also forgot how he got into my clique. I guess was because he lived near us? and we alwas go home together. LOL. He was the chairperson of red cross and i was the vice chair. There was once we din like him very much because he alwas MIA during meetings. However, dunno what stroke him, he became very enthusiastic and became the chairperson. LOL. If i nv remember wrongly, he joined our clique only during end of sec 3 or starting of sec 4. HAHAHA! oh ya! i recalled something. We were in the same class during sec 1, and our class spread a rumour about us being together. u know la huh. secondary school alwas got rumours here and there. hahaha.
Reinaldo is nw in UK studying. hahah. hope he's doing well there. =]

met up with reinaldo before he went overseas to study. Mini gathering.